I was treated to the brief sight of Madison’s puckered pink asshole briefly as she bent down to pull up her panties, reminding me that I still hadn’t had an orgasm. Oh, well…. I was sure storing it up for tonight.

Madison gave Jared a quick kiss, causing him to blush furiously, then after a moment’s hesitation gave me one, too. She scampered off to camp, leaving Jared and me together. 

"So what did you think of that?" I asked him.

"That was… awesome," he said, his vocabulary apparently not up to the task of describing his feelings. "I guess that’s why grownups spend so much time talking and thinking about sex."

I chuckled appreciatively. "You got that right, Jared. And I’ll tell you something: it gets better as you get older. The feelings get more intense during puberty, and stay that way for most of your life."

He walked with me over to my clothes, still in the cubby by the nude beach entrance. I was struggling with the need to talk to him about the incident, and not sure how to do it without alienating him. I dressed as I pondered the best approach.

"So… Jared," I began. "About what just happened."

"Yeah?" he said with a grin.

"This is an important milestone in your life. You realize that?"

"I guess."

"I mean, you’re going to remember this forever. It’s a dividing line between childhood and growing up."

"Uh huh."

"And parents need to be aware of these milestones. It’s an important part of being a parent. They need to stay ‘in the loop’ as far as their kids go."

He could see where this was going. "You’re not going to tell mom about this, are you?"

"No, you are. You need to talk to her about this." He looked unhappy but didn’t disagree. 
"She’s not going to be mad at you, she’s going to be happy for you. She can give you advice on how to handle girls. Trust me, you’re going to need it. Madison is a little wild child." 

He laughed. "I know I need to tell her about it. I’m just not sure how."

"Start by telling her you have a girlfriend. She’ll ask you about it and the story will come out naturally. You need to do it by tomorrow, or she’ll be hurt you kept it from her. OK?"

"I guess so," he said with a sigh.

We headed back to camp, making the crossing through the jungle in companionable silence. When we emerged onto the main beach, we found a bustle of activity. Horace was working on the shower plumbing, while Dkembe, Janie and Gabrielle were splitting huge bamboo trunks in half longways. They had knocked the internal partitions out of several, creating 20-foot sections of 3 inch troughs, which would be our "pipes" to carry water from the top of the waterfall to the holding tank on the beach.

In the center of the beach, a crew of people were working on thatching the roof of the large structure at the fire pit, that was to become the "mess hall." They were nearly done, proving the old adage that many hands make light work. I was still suffering from sexual overstimulation with no release planned until tonight, and I figured I needed either a cold shower or some hard work to distract me. Since the shower wasn’t done yet, that left hard work. I convinced Jared to help with the thatching project, and we put in an hour of heavy work with the rest of the crew until the roof was done. Once the expected rainy season 
started, we would see if it was waterproof.

We set up a bunch of the airline seats around the firepit, which had a smoke hole above it. Horace had cleverly designed a separate "roof" for the smoke hole, elevated a couple of feet above the main roof, so the smoke could escape, but the hole wouldn’t allow in rain in case of a downpour. Once the seats were arranged, both work crews plopped down, and a gang of excited kids brought the tired folks jugs and cups of water to rehydrate. I sipped my cup gratefully, shuddering to think how miserable it would be to be stranded on an island with no fresh water source. That lake and stream really were the lifeblood of our community.

Janie soon sat by my side, a jug of water in her hand, having finished splitting pipes. We held hands while she guzzled her drink. Watching her, I was reminded of our plans to ferment some fruit juice. "Has anyone made any progress making some hooch?" I asked her. "A nice glass of moonshine or homemade rum would go down pretty smooth right now."

She grinned appreciatively. "Believe it or not, Rodney knows how to make a still."

"Rodney?" I asked in disbelief. I found it hard to reconcile the image of a pampered urban gay man with making moonshine.

"He apparently grew up in a rural mountain community in Tennessee. They made their own white lightning, and the kids were responsible for tending the still."

"God, that must have been hard when he figured out his orientation. They don’t take kindly to homosexuals down there."

"Yeah," she agreed thoughtfully. "I guess that’s why he ended up in the city eventually." 

She gulped down the rest of her water. "Anyway, he’s enlisted the whole flight crew to help him try to put one together tomorrow. They’re going to try mango juice first."

"That is going to be some weird fucking moonshine," I said, shaking my head and drawing a laugh from her. "Have you seen Joelle?"

"I saw her earlier with Tran, but that was a couple of hours ago. I don’t know where they went."

"I think I do. I suggested she get herself a massage in preparation for tonight. She needed some relaxing."

"Speaking of preparation, how’s about you and me hit the water? We’re both all sweaty and I don’t think Joelle is going to like that very much."

"OK," I agreed. "I have a quieter area I like to wash in. We’re less likely to be bothered by a crowd than at the main pool."

We collected our things and I led her to my "private pool." We quickly stripped down and splashed the cold water on our bodies. We took turns washing each other sensually. I had to grit my teeth and hold myself back as her soapy hands massaged my cock and balls vigorously. I knew she was trying to torture me a little, aware that I was saving my jam for tonight. 

I paid her back when it was my turn, standing behind her as I caressed her firm tits with hands full of lather, then sliding them down to her cunt and stroking her sopping slit, all the while my rigid prick nestled in her ass cheeks and lower back. I stopped short of bringing her off, wanting her unsatisfied so she would be extra horny tonight. She finally spun around and planted a hungy kiss on my mouth, squashing my boner between us. She wriggled against me sensually, her soapy skin sliding across my twitching meat and driving me wild with desire.

We dumped frigid buckets of water on each other to quench the fires of lust, allowing us to hold out for later. Joelle’s pussy was going to be sore tomorrow, I vowed.

When we returned to camp, the lady herself had just arrived. She looked relaxed and radiant, and Janie and I greeted her, each giving her a kiss on the cheek. 

"You smell like coconut," I said, inhaling her delightful scent.

"Tran gave me such a nice massage," she enthused. "I feel so good right now." Her voice dropped into a conspiratorial tone. "She even rubbed my boobs! I couldn’t believe it!" 

Janie and I looked at each other, hunger in our eyes as we saw her arousal.

"That means your sweet tits are going to taste even sweeter tonight," I whispered. She blushed furiously, and Janie chuckled as she surreptitiously gave that full ass a squeeze, making Joelle jump slightly.

"Oh God!" she moaned. "I am so nervous, but I can’t deny I’m very turned on thinking about it."

"Don’t worry, honey," Janie said, taking her arm and leading her to a seat. "We are going to take good care of you." 

The castaways were gathering for dinner in the new mess hall, collecting trays of food that Adede, Falani, and Onyeka had prepared. A festive atmosphere reigned, and conversations were loud and animated as the sun slowly sank into the waves. As a special dessert, the cooks had roasted bananas in the embers of the fire pit, and we each got half of one of the tasty treats. We talked of possible future projects, like building a boat and exploring the nearby ocean for other islands, or potentially capturing some pigs in order to have a breeding population. Despite our isolation, and no clear means of ever returning to civilization, the mood was positive. As the full moon rose, the party finally broke up and folks headed for their sleeping areas. 

Janie and I had decided earlier that the main beach wouldn’t work for our plans. We wanted to be able to make some noise without disturbing the whole camp. Janie talked with Jared, letting him know that we would be off the beach for a while, if not the whole night, and he promised her he’d be safe with his friends at Boy’s Town. I gave him a questioning look as his mom gave him a hug, and he mouthed "tomorrow" at me, indicating he planned on telling her about Madison the next day. We gathered up the bags we had prepared, and walked to the medical hut to collect Joelle. She had put together a small bag of her own, and was anxiously waiting for us. Her leg was bouncing up and down madly as she sat on a box of supplies under the thatched roof.

"I haven’t been this nervous since I took my nursing boards," she said, a tremor in her voice. Janie pulled her to her feet, and without a word embraced her tenderly. Joelle stiffened, then slowly relaxed, finally wrapping her arms around the shorter woman and heaving a mighty sigh. "Thanks!" she said gratefully. "I needed that." She took another deep breath, letting it out through pursed lips. "OK, I can do this. I’m ready. Let’s go."

She threw her bag over her shoulder, and with each of us holding one of her hands, we made our way across the island by moonlight, reaching the nude beach a few minutes later. We stood together at the sign, and I finally broke the ice. "OK. The sign says no clothes on the beach. I say we leave them behind and get into the spirit of things." I put my money where my mouth was, and pulled my shirt over my head. Janie followed suit, pulling her tank top off and revealing her braless breasts. Joelle hesitated, staring at Janie’s bare chest for a moment, then slowly unbuttoned her blouse. Watching her undress was sexier than any strip tease I had ever seen at any club in my experience. Shy girl that she was, she was still wearing a bra, but instead of her usual plain cotton ones, this was a lacy number that really accentuated her full breasts, pushing them up until she had a veritable canyon of cleavage between them. She looked down at herself, then back at Janie. 

"Gosh, looking at you I feel so fat. You are all muscle and so skinny!"

Janie laughed. "I was just thinking how gorgeous your curves are and wishing I had wonderful tits like that!" She put her arm around Joelle and turned to me, her head resting on the other woman’s shoulder. "All right Dave, you have to decide. Who has the better body?"

"Oh, no you don’t," I said with a shaking head. "I’m not falling into that trap. Anyway, the joke’s on you: one of my favorite things about women is that they come in so many different types. You are both gorgeous." I shucked off my shorts, revealing my tightest briefs, now sporting a huge tent in the middle. "Here’s the evidence, ladies. Little Dave gives you two thumbs up, which is hard to do since he has only one appendage."

Janie snickered while Joelle gave voice to a peal of laughter. As I had hoped, a little humor helped defuse her anxiety. Impishly she caressed the fabric-covered boner, saying "Little Dave isn’t so little any more."

"I’m not sure he ever was," chimed in Janie. "In your medical opinion, Nurse Flores, is this not an above average specimen?"

"Why yes, Miss Scarlatti, I must concur. This member is somewhat longer than the usual ones."

I preened for them, striking a pose. They couldn’t hold a straight face and both broke up laughing, clutching each other for support. "You two still have too much clothing on," I complained. "Take it off!" I began an impromptu version of "Gypsy Rose Lee," the famous stripper song.

The girls looked at each other, then simultaneously began gyrating in place, shimmying out of their shorts. This left Janie in a black thong, and Joelle in her matching lacy lingerie set. Slowly and in unison, their panties followed. Joelle finally unhooked her bra, and as it slipped over her shoulders, those magnificent hooters bounded out of captivity, jiggling slightly. The sight of the two of them left me breathless, and the song died in my throat. "Wow!" was all I could manage for a moment. "You girls are the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen," I said sincerely.

Janie had trimmed her thick, black bush slightly, leaving it full and untamed, but narrowing it somewhat. Her small tits sat high and proud on her chest, the nipples standing up in anticipation of the festivities to follow. Joelle’s hourglass figure was limned in alabaster as the moon highlighted her stunning curves. Her heavy breasts were not the least bit droopy, and they ballooned off her chest like twin torpedoes, the nipples the size of gumdrops. Her pubic hair was thinner and wavier than Janie’s tight curls, and formed a furry triangle on her plump mound.

Janie broke the seriousness of the mood with a raucous, "Take it off yourself, buddy! Let’s see that thick cock of yours!" Joelle giggled in embarrassment, covering her mouth with one hand, but her eyes remained glued to my crotch as I slowly slid my hands under the waistband of my jockies, pulling it over my throbbing meat and down my legs. My dick was hard as rock, straining to its full nine inch length. It bobbed slightly in the night air in time with my pulse, which was decidedly faster than normal.

"Mmmmm!" Joelle unconsciously murmured, then covered her mouth again in shame as Janie giggled. She again put her arm around the other woman, saying conspiratorially, "There’s nothing like the sight of an erect cock to get your juices flowing, huh?" Joelle just nodded, and if it weren’t for the moonlight, I’m sure we would have seen her face was beet red.

We stuffed our clothes into the cubby, then ran laughing onto the beach. We dropped our bags on the sand, and pulled out airplane blankets, spreading 4 of them into a large square. I picked Janie up, and ran at the water as if I was going to throw her in. She shrieked, pounding on my back, and begged Joelle for help. My naughty nurse knew my weakness, and began tickling my sides mercilessly. I collapsed onto the blankets in hysterics, Janie falling on top of me. I cuddled the female flesh to me for a moment, then pulled Joelle in for a soulful kiss, my tongue exploring her mouth confidently. She returned my ardor, her hands wrapped in my hair, her breathing ragged. As I pulled away, Janie took over, holding Joelle’s face in her hands and kissing her forehead, her eyelids, her cheeks, and finally her lips. I saw Joelle’s lower lip caught in Janie’s teeth as she finished, pulling on the fullness of it sensually. Joelle looked a little shell-shocked after her first kiss from a woman, but she was obviously turned on, and soon returned the kiss hungrily, thrusting her tongue into Janie’s mouth and wrapping her arms around her tightly. The two of them remained in a lip lock for more than a minute, their breathing rapidly accelerating as the passion built. The sight was so erotic I couldn’t help pulling on my pud as I watched. As Joelle laid back, her legs slightly parted, I took advantage of the opportunity and lightly stroked her inner thighs, taking care to avoid her pussy for now. A groan tore from her as goosebumps rose on her soft skin. Janie began kissing her neck, working her way downward, and I started kissing her Joelle’s soft belly, determined to meet my partner at breast level.

I took the heavy left breast in my hands, letting go of my dick for the moment. I lifted the jiggling orb, feeling its substantial weight, and caressing the wrinkled disk of her areola with my thumbs. I saw Janie’s cat-like tongue tickling the right nipple, and not to be outdone, slurped the left one into my mouth abruptly. Joelle was flat on her back now, gasping and holding each of our heads as we mauled her mammaries in tandem. We alternated good cop and bad cop, me biting the tit-flesh aggressively first, while Janie applied gentle sucks and licks, then trading roles. I held the tip of the breast in my mouth, circling my tongue around the fat nipple, while Janie applied her considerable expertise in boobs (having a fine pair herself) to bringing our Peruvian princess to the edge of her pain tolerance with pinches and love bites.

"Oh God! Stop!" Joelle almost screamed. "I can’t take any more!" We showed mercy, both of us kissing our way to her face and meeting up in a sensual three way oral embrace, our tongues all twining together like snakes in mating season. As we broke for air, gasping, Janie sat back, straddling Joelle’s leg. Her pussy was resting on Joelle’s thigh, and I saw her begin to grind on the other woman’s leg. She leaned back, her hands behind her head and eyes closed, reveling in the contact between them. Watching those taut titties pulled high on her chest by the upraised arms, I knew what Joelle needed next.

I placed my hand behind her back, levering her torso upright and placing her face level with Janie’s boobs. "Go on," I whispered. "Remember how much you liked sucking on Gabrielle’s."

Joelle didn’t hesitate; she latched on to Janie’s left tit and commenced sucking for all she was worth. Janie let out a bark of surprise, then twined her hands in Joelle’s long hair, resting her chin on the nurse’s head. I joined the party, applying my lips to Janie’s other breast, tasting the sweet salt of her skin and losing myself in the sublime pleasure of suckling a breast, something I don’t think any man ever outgrows.

Soon my blissful reverie was interrupted as Janie leaned backward, pulling her tit out of my mouth. My eyes opened, and I realized Joelle had pushed her onto her back, still sucking on Janie’s taut mound. This, of course, presented me with an opportunity: Janie’s legs had spread open, and her furry treasure was all mine. I scooted between her legs, drawing my tongue slowly up her inner thigh. I could smell her heady scent, musky and sweet, and it drew me onward to the gates of paradise. Her pussy was sopping wet, the thick pink lips smeared with glistening cream, engorged with blood and parted slightly. I pillowed my head on her thigh, enjoying the heavenly sight, trailing my fingers through the tangles of her bush, then along her labia. I watched as drops of dew trickled out of her nether passage, and I couldn’t wait any longer; I had to taste her.

I again ran my tongue up her inner thigh, this time continuing onward to her fleshy lips, sucking the thick curtains into my mouth. I suckled them just as I had done to her nipple, enjoying the strong, womanly taste of her. It was sweet and salty, tangy and metallic, musky and organic, a perfect mélange of flavors and smells that had me stroking my dick again as I ate her out. I slipped my tongue between the thick ribbons of flesh, still sucking them hard and pulling them into my mouth as far as I could stretch them. Dimly I could hear moans of delight coming from her other end as she became lost in the sensations of two mouths caressing her most sensitive parts at once. The moans became muffled, as I guessed Joelle had gone back for more kisses, finished with Janie’s boobs.

I worked my way to Janie’s clit, pulling on the fat pink bud with my lips and bringing a slight scream to her lips when I nibbled it. I circled it with my tongue, then drove the wet muscle deep into her vagina, caressing the ridges of her love tunnel hungrily. I finally finished my meal of warm cunt and crawled back up her body, catching the ever-so-hot sight of Joelle sucking on Janie’s tongue, both of their eyes closed in concentration. When they finally broke off, I commandeered Joelle’s mouth, sliding my own tongue in, and giving her her first taste of pussy. We kissed for a moment, then I pulled away.

"You like the taste?" I asked her softly.

"Yes," she whispered, eyes bright in the moonlight.

"Go get some more, then."

I sat behind Janie, my legs around her, cradling her torso against mine, my dick pressed between us. I idly stroked her erect nipples, now slippery with saliva, as Joelle made her maiden journey between another woman’s legs. She drank in the sight for a moment, and I smiled to myself. No matter how many pussies I saw in the course of my work, it was a very different experience—one I never tired of—when you were presented with one that was spread before you, wet and dripping. They came in so many colors, shapes, and sizes, young and old, black, white, brown and yellow, and they were all beautiful beyond measure. I think Joelle was experiencing this epiphany for the first time as she stared into Janie’s spread cunt.

Finally she took the plunge, pressing her face against the fur pie and inhaling deeply. Soon her tongue protruded and I heard the sounds of lapping coming from Janie’s divine delta. Never a shy one, my Janie, she began egging Joelle on.

"Lick my pussy good, honey! Suck my big lips!" She moaned loudly as Joelle worked her over, her hands on mine as I squeezed the taut mounds on her chest. Twisting her head around sideways, she caught my mouth with a kiss, desperate for contact. I obliged, licking her lips and nibbling on them gently. They were full and almost bruised by her make out session with Joelle, and I attacked them avidly, all the while pinching and rubbing her nipples aggressively.

Soon, driven beyond restraint, Janie pulled from me, and grabbed Joelle by the shoulders lifting her up. Janie plopped onto her back, and cried out hoarsely, "Sit on my face, baby, I want to taste that sweet thing of yours!" Joelle looked a little stunned, her face glistening in the ghostly light, but complied with Janie’s demand, straddling her upturned face hesitantly. As Janie brought her sexual expertise to bear, though, she was soon lost in ecstasy, whimpers of pleasure coming from her as the other woman ate her out with gusto.

I had a vision of what needed to happen next, and quickly made it a reality. I gently but firmly grasped Joelle’s shoulders, and after planting one more kiss on her full lips, pulled her face down into Janie’s crotch, leaving them 69ing. This was another new experience for Joelle, and she made the best of it, attacking Janie’s spread cunt like a seasoned muff diver. I jerked myself slowly, enjoying the heavenly scene as two women I loved dearly pleasured each other in front of me. God, this was Fantasy Island after all!

Finally having enough of flying solo, I decided I needed to dip my wick. Joelle’s pelvis was up in the air and easier to get to, so I scooted around to her other end and brought my monster erection, already dripping, to bear on her pretty pussy. I startled Janie by muscling in on her territory, slipping my boner between Joelle’s gaping, wet lips and pushing her tongue out of the way. She made the most of the situation, however, and as my fat cock slipped into the nurse’s tight tunnel, she began sucking on my nuts, making me hiss with delight. I slowly plowed Joelle’s furrow, making her gasp and moan into Janie’s cunny, enjoying the twin sensation of a tight twat embracing my rod, while a warm mouth caressed my sack. Did it get any better than this?

I soon had churned Joelle’s creamy cunt into a froth, and Janie’s tongue had moved on the sweet treasure of her clit, nibbling on the bud while I pumped into her poontang faster and faster. Joelle eventually had to give up licking Janie’s labes, as hoarse cries of pleasure, so intense as to be indistinguishable from pain, were wrenched from her under the onslaught of sensation coursing through her inexperienced body. The telltale shuddering announced the woman’s first climax of the night, and I knew from the warmth flowing over my cock that Janie was getting a mouthful of juice from Joelle’s twitching gash.

I pulled out, the cool night air bracing on my wet dick, and lay down next to Janie. "Climb on board, lover," I said, and she extricated herself from under the panting Joelle to impale herself on my boner, her meaty labia cushioning the impact of her pelvic thrusts. Janie rode me like a rodeo bull, aroused beyond reason and craving her own release. I caressed Joelle’s smooth thigh as she caught her breath, and then told her, "I want a taste of your sweet cunny now. Climb on top of me."

Her dark eyes bored into me, and she planted a soulful kiss, tasting of Janie’s snatch, on my lips before straddling my face. I inhaled her lovely aroma, so different from Janie’s but no less wonderful, and finally rewarded myself with a tongueful of her dripping honey, now whipped into a bubbly white cream by my own recently thrusting prick. 

My two favorite ladies now rode me, one at either end, and I spent the next five minutes in a blissful stupor. I couldn’t see anything from between Joelle’s chubby thighs, but based on the noises coming from above me, the girls were kissing again, and probably playing with each other’s tits (I know that’s what I would have been doing) as they moved deliciously on my pampered body. Joelle was writhing on top of my face, grinding her slick vulva into my mouth as I tongued her happily, while Janie was bouncing up and down on my fuckpole like a jumping bean, heading for orgasm at top speed, and bringing me along with her. Soon enough, she began screaming, "FUCK, YES! I’m gonna come! Yes! Yes! Yes!" The intensity of her feelings must have transmitted themselves to Joelle and me, because we both reached climax a moment later. I jetted ropes of hot jizz into Janie’s spasming cunt and Joelle let loose with a ragged cry, drenching my face with another sweet tidal wave of female fuck-juice.

We clung to each other in stunned silence for a moment before the two women collapsed at my sides. I pulled them close as my cock spent its last drops, the thick goo dribbling down my thigh. Janie pulled another blanket over us, and satiated into stupor, we drifted off into a deep sleep in each other’s arms.

To be continued....

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: 




